I realized I have not posted anything for a while, being retired you would think I have all the time in the world to keep up on my blogs.
Now to talk about my latest sock.
The yarn is a sport weight yarn I bought a local department store in Germany. I really liked the coloring of this yarn. I used 52 stitches on the sock and I used this pattern stitch around the leg and top of the foot:
Knit 2, Purl 2 for three rounds
Purl for one round
Knit for one round
Purl for one round
What is different about this sock was the heel. I experimented with the heel and it kind of looks like a box.
How I made the heel:
After I got the desired leg length I turned and worked over 26 (half) the stitches
Slip 1, purl
Slip 1, knit
I repeated these rows for twelve rows
To form the heel:
Slip 1, purl 16, P2Tog, Purl 1
Slip 1, knit 9 K2 tog, Knit
Slip 1, purl until 2 stitches before the gap, P2tog, purl 1
slip one, knit until 2 before the gap, K2Tog, knit 1
Repeat the last two rows until all the stitches are worked.
Pick up 7 stitches along the flap, work the establish pattern along top of foot, pick up 7 stitches along other side of heal flap, knit the next 6 stitches and move the other 6 stitches to the other needle for bottom of foot. 36 stitches on needle for top of sock, two needles with 13 for bottom of foot.
That's it, there are no more decreases, just work the established pattern for top of foot and knit for the bottom of foot.
Very nice! I love the color of that yarn.