Half Way Done

It is hard to believe that we are already half way through 2013, that means that my year long blanket project is half way done.  Over the past few months I have not made my squares as big as I had when I first started in the beginning of the year. I did not want my blanket too big. I also have been putting multiple stitches in a square. I usually do this because I catching up in my calendar. As a reminder, I got a 365 day knitting pattern calendar for Christmas and I am making a blanket using every pattern in the calendar. I crochet around the knitted squares and attach it to the blanket. The squares vary in shape, size, and color to make the unique blanket.

I started a Pinterest board about the blanket, you can find it here.


  1. That's pretty sweet! I love all the colors and variety!

    It reminds me of my Grandma. She could stitch, sew, crochet and more. She was a hip Grandma.

  2. Youe blanket looks festive!

  3. Two smart ideas--365 different stitch patterns and fastening the squares together as you go. Looks like a fun project.

  4. What a wonderful project! Thank you for hopping on board The Great Blog Train! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures


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