Red Shawl

I had acquired several skeins of 100 percent wool yarn at my church. I usually never know what to do with wool yarn, as it has to be hand washed or it will felt. I have bought wool yarn to make felted projects. I would of made a felted project with it until I came across the Groovy Poncho  video from Jayda In Stitches. I did not make the actual poncho, I used the stitch used in the poncho.

Here is the shawl, it is just a large rectangle.

 The pattern stitch to make this shawl does resemble a shell stitch. I like how it did turn out. I just have to remember is to hand wash it. I also thought about donating it to the church in the prayer shawl program. I just have to make sure to include washing instruction. As a reminder I followed that stich pattern from a video and can be found here.
