I made these sock by casting on 22 stitches and did a k1,p1 rib for 15 rows.
To form the heel I continued the rib pattern for first 11 stitches, over the remaining 11 stitches I knit the first four stitches, *K1, M1* 3 times and knit the remaining 4 stitches. Turn and purled the first 14 and continued rib for remaining 11 stitches.
K 4, *K1,M1,K1* 3 times and knit the remaining 4 stitches. Turn and purled the first 17 and continued rib for remaining 11 stitches.
K 4, *K1,M1,K1,K1* 3 times and knit the remaining 4 stitches. Turn and purled the first 20 and continued rib for remaining 11 stitches.
K 4, *K1,SSK,K1* 3 times and knit the remaining 4 stitches. Turn and purled the first 17 and continued rib for remaining 11 stitches.
K 4, *K1,SSK* 3 times and knit the remaining 4 stitches. Turn and purled the first 14 and continued rib for remaining 11 stitches.
K 4, *SSK* 3 times and knit the remaining 4 stitches. Turn and purled the first 11 and continued rib for remaining 11 stitches.
Note: When it comes to make the other sock, switch by starting the heel pattern and then the rib pattern so the seems are on opposite sides of the sock.
Continue rib pattern for one half of the sock and stockinette for the other half until you have desire foot length.
For the toe:
*SSK, knit next 7, SSK* twice, turn and purl across.
*SSK, knit next 5, SSK* twice, turn and purl across.
*SSK, knit next 3, SSK* twice, turn and purl across.
SSK across, turn and bind off.
Sew along seem.
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