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Finished Ring Socks and Started Net Socks

I was glad I got these socksfinished this month. I was able to use them in a 12 month KAL I amparticipating in. Hopefully there will be 12 balls of Crystal Palace yarn in my future.I was not thrilled on how the colors pooled differently for bothsocks. I don't mind subtle differences, but these are almost two different socks.
I also said I was going to work on a set of crocheted socks based on a $500 pair I saw in an article. So I go the first one done using two different colors. I did not have enough of the red or multi- colored sock yarn to made a pair. It would be nice to get $500 for this pair, but I don't think that will happen considering the $500 pair came a designer label.
So what do you think I should charge for these socks?
I think the pair are wonderful and it matters not to me that they are not identical. The crochet is amazing. Clever you.