I occasionally got back a do a project that I wrote up a pattern for accuracy. This time I did my Baby Hat pattern. This is a super cute project for any baby girl. I also finished The Shawl I was working on. I did not enough yarn to do the full pattern, so it looks like a scarf than a shawl. So the pattern is the Simply Irresistible Shawl from Red Heart. If you do do this pattern, you should know I found errors in this pattern. Row 5 of the pattern has you do a dc after a chain four. This should be a sc. In row 7 there should a chain 3 before and after dc,ch2,dc. the pattern forgets to include the ch3 after.
I occasionally got back a do a project that I wrote up a pattern for accuracy. This time I did my Baby Hat pattern. This is a super cute project for any baby girl. I also finished The Shawl I was working on. I did not enough yarn to do the full pattern, so it looks like a scarf than a shawl. So the pattern is the Simply Irresistible Shawl from Red Heart. If you do do this pattern, you should know I found errors in this pattern. Row 5 of the pattern has you do a dc after a chain four. This should be a sc. In row 7 there should a chain 3 before and after dc,ch2,dc. the pattern forgets to include the ch3 after.
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