This is my first blog post dedicated for the Yarn Along party. I will try my best to tell about what has been going on in my life and cover other stuff other that my yarn projects.
Right now I am working overtime at my work, which usually means that I am doing less crochet and knitting. Makes me sad, but I have prioritize what is important. I am focusing exercising and I try to walk at least 3 miles a day. As we approach winter, it is getting more challenging because it is going to eventually get colder and the days are getting shorter. I usually have a few minutes before I go to work and maybe a few minutes before I go to bed before to work on projects. So far this month I finished a baby sleeper, 2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle hats, and a dishcloth.
Other projects I am working on is a knitted triangle shawl a small knitted bag I hope to finish today, and a really, really, really large bag like one I did months ago.
I noticed that some people mention what books they are currently reading. Currently I am reading a book I got as a Christmas gift from my son years ago, which is a collection of novels by Jules Verne. The book is a collection of seven of his novels and I am on the first novel 5 Weeks In a Balloon. I only read while on break at work, so it is going to take a while to go through all seven novels.
So hopefully I get a chance to read other posts shared to the party.
The link for the Yarn Along is at the beginning of the post, on my home page, and here.
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